I have coins and bills from over 30 different countries, most of which were collected by my mother before she died. The oldest is from the mid- 1800's. Other than my mother's collection of coins, I have gathered coins and bills mostly from random encounters with people from overseas and such. One guy I met at a McDonald's was from Australia. I introduced myself and explained to him that I collect foreign money and offered to buy some from him. He was so in love with the USA that he went out to his car, got some more money, and GAVE it to me, free of charge. He went on to explain how the bills were actually plastic, because plastic was more durable than paper. I also met a family from South Africa, England, and Jordan. I have a unique "piece" from Iraq. I also have a few current dinari bills that, in theory, might be worth something if the government in Iraq would ever stabilize.
The Last Nephilim
JoinedPosts by The Last Nephilim
Anyone here collect foreign currency as a hobby?
by AK - Jeff ini would like to begin a collection - but i am not sure the best resources so that i don't get ripped off.
anyone know of a forum that discusses this hobby?
i did a google and the category is so broad i don't know where to start.
Governing Body as Jehovah God revealed in latest WT study
by hamilcarr inthe watchtower study of this week (15/2) is entitled 'jesus christ - the greatest missionary'.
compare the following phrases on the modern-day identity of jehovah and jesus:.
as one of jehovah's witnesses, however, you likely think of the missionaries sent out by the governing body to preach the food news in various lands around the earth.. concerning his heavenly father, though, jesus christ said: "i am a representative from him, and that one sent me forth.
The Last Nephilim
This reminds me of the Gilead talk that F Franz gave when the Governing Body took control of the corporation in 1975. I just read about it in CoC. Even then, Franz was effectively saying that the GB is not needed to send out missionaries, that Christ can act of his own accord. He was, at the time, psst off about what was happening to his and Nathan Knorr's power over the organization, but nonetheless he made a good point- the GB is NOT needed for the rest of us to get our "food at the proper time". The book has a footnote that says an audio recording of this talk is available from Commentary Press. Anyone heard the whole thing?
Computer Games Make Players Less Violent
by brinjen incomputer games make players less violent.
world of warcraft reduces stress, says university study, after test subjects showed "higher levels of relaxation" after two hour sessions.a new study of computer gamers has found that a session in front of world of warcraft can make players less stressed and more calm.. .
the study questioned 292 male and female online gamers aged between 12 and 83 about anger and stress.
The Last Nephilim
Superslave- I'm the gentlest guy you could ever meet but I got a kick out of games like GTA3 and Unreal Tournament. In GTA3, jogging down the street and punching the crap out of a guy as you pass by was a great way to blow off some steam, especially when they start chasing you afterward! It's no different than what happens in Looney Tunes cartoons, but you don't see people pointing the finger at Bugs, Daffy, and Yosemite Sam, do you?
The Perfectly Run Congregation?
by WTWizard inthis is what i have been seeing as the filthful and disgraceful slavebugger's idea of a perfectly run congregation--.
boasting sessions: everyone always there, no matter what.
everyone brings all 5 of their studies every time, and no one ever misses or has to leave in the middle.
The Last Nephilim
I think everyone would be required by the FDS to own a small TV, but with no cable, satellite, or even rabbit ears hooked up- only a VCR/DVD player for watching the society's videos. The grass would be neater than the greens at Pebble Beach, with every male 12 and older ready at a moment's notice to go mow it. The landscaping would be immaculate and not so much as a "defective" petal on a single flower would be allowed to remain. The elders would do a shepherding call, without fail, to every disfellowshipped person on the anniversary of their disfellowshipping. Everyone would have their field service reports turned in by no later than 12pm on the 1st of every month. Batteries in cordless mics would never run out in the middle of the meeting. The incorrect song would never be accidentally played (I did this at the Memorial a few years ago =P). #3 talks would all receive standing ovations (if applauding was allowed) for their Academy Award performances.
The best part (this really happened at my Hall)- The PO would spray paint all of the electrical boxes and conduit on the side of the Kingdom Hall to match the color of the brick... -
When You Were a Child /or Now - Your Favorite Cartoon Characters ?
by flipper ini know, a far cry from the sexiest actor/actress thread, but hell; let's be a kid for a weekend for a bit!
it brings back fun, good memories !
so, when you were a kid, did you lean toward disney or warner brothers ?
The Last Nephilim
I was into "Thundar the Barbarian", "Dungeons & Dragons", "Superfriends", "Spiderman & his Amazing Friends", "GI Joe", "Transformers", and some of the other stuff already listed by others, such as "The Flintstones". I hated Bugs Bunny because he was a smarta$$ (Sorry FlyingHighNow). He always got away with being a jerk to Elmer Fudd. Poor ole' Fudd was only trying plant a garden and that damned rabbit had to wreck it all!!! No wonder Yosemite Sam was always griping! It would have been funny if, just once, Sam was allowed to express his feelings uncensored; "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, I HATE THAT F#CKIN' RABBIT!!!" That would have been hilarious!! My 2 cents...
Proof that WT literature is not needed...
by The Last Nephilim ini have recently come to fully appreciate what is stated at 2timothy 3:16, 17 (nwt).
it clearly declares that nothing is needed outside of the bible in order for a person be be "fully competent" and "completely equipped" for "every good work".
how can anyone, especially the wts, claim that the bible alone is not enough after reading these scriptures?
The Last Nephilim
One more thing- Jeremiah 31:33 says, "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. "
Proverbs 3:3 says, "May loving-kindness and trueness themselves not leave you. Tie them about your throat. Write them upon the tablet of your heart."
Hmm... "TRUENESS". Methinks these two verses have something in common in connection with 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. Agree? Throw in Joshua 1:8 for good measure-
"8 This book of the law should not depart from your mouth, and you must in an undertone read in it day and night, in order that you may take care to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way successful and then you will act wisely."
"Fully competent", "completely equipped", "successful", "act wisely", "trueness", "in [our] hearts" = Bible.
No Watchtower, Awake, or any other publication. -
Proof that WT literature is not needed...
by The Last Nephilim ini have recently come to fully appreciate what is stated at 2timothy 3:16, 17 (nwt).
it clearly declares that nothing is needed outside of the bible in order for a person be be "fully competent" and "completely equipped" for "every good work".
how can anyone, especially the wts, claim that the bible alone is not enough after reading these scriptures?
The Last Nephilim
Velta- You and others on this site have posted (and PM'd) some really kind words toward me lately. Thank you. All of you! =)
Proof that WT literature is not needed...
by The Last Nephilim ini have recently come to fully appreciate what is stated at 2timothy 3:16, 17 (nwt).
it clearly declares that nothing is needed outside of the bible in order for a person be be "fully competent" and "completely equipped" for "every good work".
how can anyone, especially the wts, claim that the bible alone is not enough after reading these scriptures?
The Last Nephilim
Velta- Well, those verses in Jeremiah certainly seem to point to a time when there will be no need for a "preaching work". The question is; Is the "new covenant" he was speaking of something yet to happen when the "new order" has arrived or is it the one he made with his disciples at the passover, knowing that their writings would be compiled into the Bible as we know it today, thus eliminating the need to tell people to "know the Lord" because he is known through the pages of the Bible?
I like "option B" myself! =) -
Proof that WT literature is not needed...
by The Last Nephilim ini have recently come to fully appreciate what is stated at 2timothy 3:16, 17 (nwt).
it clearly declares that nothing is needed outside of the bible in order for a person be be "fully competent" and "completely equipped" for "every good work".
how can anyone, especially the wts, claim that the bible alone is not enough after reading these scriptures?
The Last Nephilim
freeme, if the scripture means that the Bible is only a perfect base, then that implies that something more is needed. On the contrary, it DOES say that it will make a person "COMPLETELY equipped" and "FULLY competent". What more is needed? (Not trying to argue, just trying to see where you're coming from)
How to get a friend out of "the truth"
by St-Jacques ini'm sure threads along these lines have come up dozens of times in the past, but i'm not exactly sure how one would go about searching for this topic.. i was approached about a week ago by a girl named eve, with whom i share a mutual friend.
our friend is someone i knew when i was a witness, and is one of eve's close friends at school.
now, over the course of high school, eve has been trying to get her friend to realize the truth about the sham that the watchtower calls a religion.
The Last Nephilim
Tell her to compare the September Kingdom Ministry Question box to the article entitled "Do Not Be A Victim of Propaganda" in her June 22, 2000 Awake magazine. The Awake article will expose the KM question box's true purpose and thus reveal the truth about the WTS. If that fails, she will at least never forget having read it and it may pay off later in life! You can probably find a scan of the Sept. KM QB and maybe someone will have a scan of the Awake article as well on this website. BTW, comparing these two items was probably the primary thing that solidified all my doubts and got me started on my fade from that deceitful organization!